Ecotourism Village Feasibility Assessment Analysis: The Case of Bahoi Village, in North Minahasa Regency, Indonesia


  • Benny Irwan Towoliu Manado State Polytechnic
  • Dimas Ero Permana Manado State Polytechnic
  • Maxi Donald Gahung Manado State Polytechnic
  • Agustinus Lumettu Manado State Polytechnic


Parole chiave:

Assessment, Ecotourism Feasibility, Bahoi Village, North Minahasa Regency, Indonesia


The purpose of this study was to assess the feasibility of Bahoi village as an ecotourism village. Bahoi village is on the coast which is a legal area of the sea. Bahoi is located in West Likupang Subdistrict, North Minahasa Regency, North Sulawesi Province. Currently, Bahoi Village has been designated as an ecotourism village by the local government and marine area protection managers, but to be designated as an ecotourism village, it is necessary to consider if the village is feasible to be an ecotourism village. The research method used was structured observation using the Research Instrument used in the assessment of eligibility criteria as well as feasibility Index, supported by interviews with community leaders and local government. The results show that the attraction of ecotourism in Bahoi Village is considered to have potential with the category of feasibility index as a tourism object of above 66.6%. This shows that the village of Bahoi deserves to be a village of Ecotourism.

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Come citare

Towoliu, B. I., Permana, D. E., Gahung, M. D., & Lumettu, A. (2018). Ecotourism Village Feasibility Assessment Analysis: The Case of Bahoi Village, in North Minahasa Regency, Indonesia. Almatourism - Journal of Tourism, Culture and Territorial Development, 9(17), 137–152.



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