Almatourism - Journal of Tourism, Culture and Territorial Development 2024-01-22T13:28:22+01:00 Almatourism Editorial Staff Open Journal Systems <strong>Almatourism – ISSN 2036-5195</strong> is an electronic journal of the Alma Mater Studiorum, University of Bologna, Center for Advanced Studies in Tourism (CAST), Rimini Campus. It is an innovative platform for study and research on culture and territorial development in the various disciplinary fields regarding tourism. Corrigendum to “Strategic Governance in The Marina Sector in the Context of Marine Tourism Cluster” 2021-09-17T16:08:13+02:00 Nedim Yüzbaşıoğlu Oğuz Doğan 2024-01-22T00:00:00+01:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Nedim Yüzbaşıoğlu, Oğuz Doğan Have the Liminoid Behavior and Novelty Seeking an Effect on Tourist Satisfaction? 2023-05-29T15:52:07+02:00 Mahmut Baltaci A. Celil Cakici <p>Tourists demonstrate different personalities and reveal extraordinary behavior in the vacation milieu while alienating them psychologically. Within the vacation atmosphere, tourists abandon their own norms and core values and set out to relish vacation time. In this context, the study aims to determine the impacts of liminoid behavior and tourists’ pursuit of novelties on satisfaction. The data were collected face-to-face at Antalya Airport International Terminal from October 22<sup>nd</sup> to November 5<sup>th</sup>, 2018. The results show that during vacation periods, the liminoid behavior of tourists significantly affects their satisfaction. Amongst all liminoid behavior, the aspect of hedonism indicates the most extreme effect on satisfaction. Additionally, it was found that tourists' novelty-seeking significantly affected their vacation satisfaction. The study concludes with the recommendation of destination managers to be more tolerant of tourists' liminoid behavior and to make differentiations in service delivery, considering novelty seeking.</p> 2024-01-22T00:00:00+01:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Mahmut Baltaci, A. Celil Cakici Does Tourism Reduce Regional Inequality? Spatial Appearance of Tourism Development in Turkey 2023-09-05T13:22:03+02:00 İsmail Kervankiran Fatma Sert Eteman <p>Interregional development disparities have emerged as one of the most controversial issues in contemporary discourse. Across the globe, disparities in various facets, including social, cultural, tourism, and economic dimensions, are strikingly evident. Turkey, a nation renowned for its importance in the global tourism landscape, is no exception to this phenomenon. The spatial distribution of tourism development in Turkey reveals an inequality. This study aims to examine the variations in interregional tourism development by establishing a comprehensive tourism development index for Turkish cities and subsequently categorizing them based on their distinctive levels of development. To achieve this, a dataset consisting of 18 variables from various public institutions in the year 2017 was compiled. With this data set, Principal Component Analysis was employed to compute the tourism development index for each city, and the Hierarchical Cluster Method was used to categorize cities into distinct development categories. In conclusion, the research underscores the influence of both policy interventions, planning, and the intrinsic characteristics of cities in shaping the spatial disparities in tourism development within Turkey. The implementation of neoliberal policies has notably concentrated capital, investments, and the tourism market in the Mediterranean and Aegean coastal regions, exacerbating spatial inequality in tourism. The implications of this study hold the potential to guide policymakers in narrowing the gaps in interregional tourism development within Turkey, thereby fostering a more equitable and sustainable future.</p> 2024-01-22T00:00:00+01:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Ismail Kervankiran, Fatma Sert Eteman Analysis of tourists’ satisfaction with a tourist destination: the case of Sarajevo 2021-07-01T16:37:30+02:00 Amra Čaušević Edin Hrelja Aida Korjenić <p>Sarajevo is becoming an increasingly popular tourist destination and is visited by a large number of tourists. Even though Sarajevo holds a large number of tourist visits, it is still a relatively unknown tourist destination. Not many authors have explored the tourist satisfaction with Sarajevo as a tourist destination. The satisfaction of tourists is a key to the success of each tourist destination. This paper analyzes tourist satisfaction with Sarajevo as a tourist destination. It observes how motives for travel, the general quality of tourist destination offer, expenses related to tourist stay, perceived value, as well as declaration of tourist satisfaction with tourist destination, influence the tourist satisfaction.</p> 2024-01-22T00:00:00+01:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Čaušević, Amra, Hrelja, Edin and Korjenić, Aida For an inclusive history and heritage. Analysis of school-museum educational practices in Bologna 2023-03-21T15:36:57+01:00 Beatrice Borghi José María Cuenca López Inmaculada Gómez Hurtado <p>The essay addresses the issue of accessibility to heritage, starting from the analysis of educational practices proposed by museums and associations in the Bologna area and aimed at schools of all levels. In fact, from the study of the didactic and laboratory activities presented on the occasion of the <em>Cosa abbiamo in Comune</em> initiative (What we have in the Municipality) promoted, for several years, by the Municipality of Bologna, the article investigates the educational and training offers for an inclusive heritage education that foresee real and concrete connection between the diversity of heritages and people and in which the therapeutic value of cultural heritage is effectively made understandable. The survey results show that heritage education in schools and museums proves to be an important aspect of identity cohesion, also attested by international initiatives that involve the entire community and which have taken place in the area for over seventeen years, including events such as the "International Festival of History".</p> 2024-01-22T00:00:00+01:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Beatrice Borghi, José María Cuenca López and Inmaculada Gómez Hurtado Place Insideness, the Host and Community-Based Tourism 2023-05-20T21:20:51+02:00 Angela Faria Brognoli Daniela de Carvalho Carrelas Claudia Hickenbick <p>Considering the different levels of involvement, a place can be understood in an insideness relationship, for those who identify with it, or in an outsideness relationship, for those who experience a sense of rupture, separation from that place. Thus, the meanings and identities given to a place are not fixed and may vary according to the different degrees of attachment of individuals or groups. By reaffirming the principles of Community-Based Tourism (CBT) as a strategy for social development, an insideness relationship to a place features as a condition for CBT offers as alternatives to hegemonic, mass tourism. This article discusses the insideness relationships expressed by hosts of CBT projects, as opposed to the ideological values of hegemonic tourism and neoliberal capitalism. This investigation was carried out in the context of CBT projects developed in Florianópolis, Santa Catarina, Brazil. The methodology used is based on the theoretical fields of Geography, Tourism and Critical Discourse Analysis. The interviewees expressed a commitment to valuing a conscious insideness relationship, a creative performance, and an aggregating perspective, in the quest to preserve the natural and cultural assets of the communities where the projects are carried out.</p> 2024-01-22T00:00:00+01:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Angela Faria Brognoli, Daniela de Carvalho Carrelas, Claudia Hickenbick Safety and Quality of Restaurant Service as Factor of Restoring Tourist Mobility in the Gastronomic Tourism Destination of Ukraine 2023-03-21T16:05:14+01:00 Sergii Nezdoyminov Sergii Iaromenko Ganna Bedradina <p>The safety and quality of restaurant service should serve as one of the factors for restoring the tourist flow to destinations, reconsidering the role of providing service to consumers of tourist services in accordance with the requirements of the European standards of service quality, market activity of restaurant business entities under the conditions of exit from quarantine restrictions. The authors consider theoretical, methodological and practical problems of assessing the quality and safety of restaurant service on the example of the catering establishments in Odesa region of Ukraine. To analyze the quality of components of the sphere of restaurant service to tourists, the authors applied methods of taxonomic analysis which combines a number of comparison methods on multidimensional objects. As a part of the tools for assessing the safety and quality of services at service enterprises, the authors used the recommendations of the WTTC protocols for establishments providing services to travelers. The proposed measures and approaches as to the assessment of the safety and quality of restaurant service allow small businesses to focus their efforts on improving the quality characteristics of restaurant services under conditions of overcoming the consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic.</p> 2024-01-22T00:00:00+01:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Nezdoyminov Sergii, Iaromenko Sergii and Bedradina Ganna