Accounting, Creativity and Charity in Hospitality Enterprises: the Case of “Lentil as Anything”


  • Maria-Gabriella Baldarelli University of Bologna


Parole chiave:

Accounting and Charity, Restoration, Hospitality Enterprise, Civil Economy, Accountability


This paper aims at analysing the case of “Lentil as Anything”, that is a very interesting combination of creativity and charity in the field of hospitality enterprises. It represents the implementation of a new typology of restoration in which guests can eat and then they will pay as they “feel”. The research case is a charity (social enterprise) and it is an example of civil enterprise with some stimulating implications about accounting and accountability tools.

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Come citare

Baldarelli, M.-G. (2017). Accounting, Creativity and Charity in Hospitality Enterprises: the Case of “Lentil as Anything”. Almatourism - Journal of Tourism, Culture and Territorial Development, 8(7), 298–309.