Exploring Responsible Tourism in Upper Myanmar


  • Mirella Loda University of Florence
  • Ester Macrì University of Florence



Parole chiave:

Responsible Tourism, Myanmar, Asia, Survey, Tourists


The concept of “responsible tourism”, which has spread rapidly in recent years, evokes conscious tourist behavior so as to minimize negative impacts on destinations, from an environmental, economic and cultural point of view. While intuitively comprehensible, the concept is not easy to operationalize in empirical studies. Facing this difficulty, our contribution illustrates an attempt to operatively define the concept within the framework of the development of a sustainable destination plan for the Ancient Cities of Upper Myanmar (ACUM). The paper describes the index adopted to survey and measure responsible attitudes among tourists and the main results of the research. 

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Come citare

Loda, M., & Macrì, E. (2017). Exploring Responsible Tourism in Upper Myanmar. Almatourism - Journal of Tourism, Culture and Territorial Development, 8(7), 217–230. https://doi.org/10.6092/issn.2036-5195/6770