Learning from the Route: a Pilot Project on Landscape Reading along the Itinerary of Via Lauretana Senese


  • Chiara Serenelli Verdiana Network Association
  • Serena Savelli Verdiana Network Association
  • Maria Teresa Idone Verdiana Network Association
  • Lucio L. Pettine Verdiana Network Association



Parole chiave:

Landscape Perception, Cultural Route, Pilgrimage, Via Francigena, Via Lauretana


The essay investigates the opportunities generated by recovering a European Pilgrimage Route’s pathway as device for landscape perception and territorial analysis. It is focused on a project conducted by Verdiana Network in collaboration with the Municipality of Asciano (Siena). The project aims to activate processes of landscape planning and management, and promote local tourism within the context of Asciano’s rural landscape and among the cultural and natural heritage intercepted by this pilgrimage route. It concerns the Siena branch of the Via Lauretana, the pilgrimage route toward the Sanctuary of Loreto in the Marche Region. The project focuses on the landscape structure of the route, modelled by the territorial dimension and spatial configuration of the itinerary, together with the social processes of landscape perception activated by the route itself. From this point of view, the project consisted of a process of discovering the landscape along the route and intercepting polar elements that make the itinerary the basis for the development of local tourism and cultural activities.

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Come citare

Serenelli, C., Savelli, S., Idone, M. T., & Pettine, L. L. (2017). Learning from the Route: a Pilot Project on Landscape Reading along the Itinerary of Via Lauretana Senese. Almatourism - Journal of Tourism, Culture and Territorial Development, 8(6), 42–64. https://doi.org/10.6092/issn.2036-5195/6661