Marzamemi, an Interesting Case Study of Film-Induced Tourism
Marzamemi, Cinetourism, South-eastern Sicily, Fishing Villages, Territory of SyracuseAbstract
The economy of Marzamemi, a small fishing village in the territory of Pachino, has always been linked to the sea. In the past the main activities were those connected with the tonnara, with the salting of fish and with the maritime commerce of the agricultural products. Later, the village became an important beach resort on a local scale. In the second half of the 1980s, the redevelopment of the waterfront, in the south of Marzamemi, stimulated a mainly local demand from young people attracted by some newly opened outlets connected, above all, with drink and food services. Then, in 1993 the cinema industry arrived in Marzamemi. Since then the old architectural heritage of the historic centre has been restored and used for tourism. Over the last few years, from the last ten days of July until the end of August, the tiny streets and the piazzas of the village have appeared overcrowded with tourists. A dynamism that the official statistical surveys are not able to describe.
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