The Sacred and the Studies: the Archiginnasio Public Library of Bologna (Italy)


  • Paola Foschi Università di Bologna


Parole chiave:

Studio, Frescoes, Chapel, Pier Donato Cesi, Antonio Morandi


The Palazzo dell'Archiginnasio was the seat of the Bologna Studio from 1563 to 1798 and inside it many sacred representations recall the profound and widespread presence of the Christian religion in the complex of the decoration of the building. The chapel of Santa Maria dei Bulgari hosted the most important ceremonies concerning the University; every lecture hall and each of the two halls that served as a lecture hall for law students and for artist students had an image of the Madonna and Child on the wall, corresponding to the teacher's chair.

Riferimenti bibliografici

Foschi, P. (1987). La fabbrica dell'Archiginnasio. L'Archiginnasio. Il Palazzo, l'Università, la Biblioteca (pp. 88-98). I, Bologna: Grafis.

Sarti, M., Fattorini, M. (1896). De claris Archigymnasii Bononiensis professoribus a saeculo XI usque ad saeculum XIV. C. Albicini e C. Malagola (Eds.), II. Bologna

Paolini L. (1988). L'evoluzione di una funzione ecclesiastica: l'arcidiacono e lo Studio a Bologna nel XIII secolo (pp. 129-172). Studi Medievali, s. III, XXIX, fasc. 1.




Come citare

Foschi, P. (2018). The Sacred and the Studies: the Archiginnasio Public Library of Bologna (Italy). Almatourism - Journal of Tourism, Culture and Territorial Development, 9(8), 216–221.