Analysis Dimensions of City Destination Character and Image Positioning
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Destination Image, Destination Characteristics, Visitor Segments, Image Position, City DestinationAbstract
City tourism, with its unique character and image, has increased considerably over the last decades. At the same time, the complexity of destination development and image marketing has increased, and there is a lack of analysis tools for image positioning. The purpose is to investigate city destination image and character as prerequisites for destination marketing and development and how the image and character position can be analysed. City destination character, visitor destination image and visitor segments are used as the main theoretical framework. An exploratory qualitative study approach has been chosen with an image case study of destination Stockholm. Qualitative interviews were conducted with the visitor segment international students and destination specialists. The study shows that destination specialists have assessed a combination of city destination characteristic areas, which can be developed. Furthermore, visitors have a mindset of several image aspects and holistic expressions for city destinations that can be used in destination marketing to change the current image position into the desired one. In order to determine a desired position, six analysis dimensions have been found useful: Desired positioning, Demand and supply, Visitor segmentation, Destination generalisation, Visit process and Expression type. The analysis dimensions are based on relevant dichotomous aspects. The effects of the used dimensions are called “positioning leverage effects”, and their main aim is to obtain a competitive advantage and to differentiate to other destinations.
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