Motivation-based Market Segmentation in Rural Tourism: the Case of Sámán, Iran


  • Naser Bayat Amin Police Sciences University
  • Ebrahim Rastegar University of Tehran
  • Luca Salvati CREA Italian Council for Agricultural Research and Economics
  • Hasan Darabi University of Tehran
  • Narges Ahmadi Fard University of Tehran
  • Majid Taji Payame Noor University


Parole chiave:

Rural Tourism, Market Segmentation, Tourist Motivation, Field Survey


Market segmentation is a pivotal and under-investigated issue when evaluating decision-making processes and motivational factors shaping rural tourism. The present study has examined market segments of rural tourists in Iran based on their socio-demographic attributes, travel characteristics and preferred leisure activities, profiling rural tourists on the base of their motivational background. The survey results indicated that rural tourism in the study area is a heterogeneous market, whose development depends on general trends in Middle East tourism market. A comprehensive knowledge of rural tourism actors may help formulating appropriate marketing strategies for internal areas destined to tourism growth.

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Come citare

Bayat, N., Rastegar, E., Salvati, L., Darabi, H., Ahmadi Fard, N., & Taji, M. (2019). Motivation-based Market Segmentation in Rural Tourism: the Case of Sámán, Iran. Almatourism - Journal of Tourism, Culture and Territorial Development, 10(19), 1–24.


