Marketing Mix and Destination Image, Case Study: Batu Caves as a Religious Destination
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Tourism Malaysia, Marketing, Marketing Mix, Destination Image, Batu CavesAbstract
Batu Caves become famous only after the limestone hills were recorded by colonial authorities in 1878. It was promoted as a place of worship and religious attraction. This study aims to find out the visitor satisfaction towards marketing mix (4P’s) and the destination image of Batu Caves. The data were derived from self–administered questionnaire consisted of structured questions related to the listed attributes. The survey was distributed during November 2016. The statistical package for social science (SPSS20) was used to analyze the data. Results showed that most of the respondents were satisfied with the Batu Caves marketing 4Ps, and had a favorable overall destination image and their visit was valuable. However, some of the tourists mentioned their negative feeling about the destination due to the maintenance activities and covering the lord Murugan Statue. Recommendations were made to increase the awareness and marketing campaign to attract more tourists, especially during the holy Thaipusam celebration.
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