Training for Beauty. Training as a Strategic Axis for Tourism Enhancement of Cultural Heritage


  • Federica Epifani University of Salento
  • Luca De Siena University of Salento
  • Fabio Pollice University of Salento


Parole chiave:

Cultural Heritage, Local Development, University, Training, Enhancement of Cultural Heritage


This paper is intended to underline the importance of human capital and adequate professional advanced training in the field of cultural heritage as a core asset for local development. Through the example given by the Italian experience within the project MODI-FY, we argue that the development of integrated models of management of cultural assets requires specific professional skills which are not always provided by universities. An exploratory survey helps to describe the state of the art of the national educational framework and its main weaknesses and potentialities, in order to outline enhancement strategies able to implement virtuous behaviours in sectors such as tourism, which are crucial to local development.

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Come citare

Epifani, F., De Siena, L., & Pollice, F. (2017). Training for Beauty. Training as a Strategic Axis for Tourism Enhancement of Cultural Heritage. Almatourism - Journal of Tourism, Culture and Territorial Development, 8(7), 269–285.