Food and Gastronomic Tourism for Developing Rural Areas Around the Via Francigena in Tuscany


  • Gian Luigi Corinto University of Macerata


Parole chiave:

Rural development, Tuscan Via Francigena, Food and Gastronomy, Out of the beaten tracks, Case study.


The paper reports results from an explorative research on the socio-economic opportunity that the presence of pilgrims and tourists along the Tuscan section of the Via Francigena can be for local communities. The aim is to deepen the actual and future opportunities that gastronomy represent for the development of tourism around the Via Francigena, with a special attention to destinations out of the beaten tracks. The research has been carried out merging different sources of information, including scientific literature, news, media, direct observation and personal experience, and performing a dozen of face-to-face interviews to key-informants, selected within socioeconomic actors involved in developing tourism around the course of the Via Francigena in Tuscany. The interviews have been carried out during the last six months, involving farmers, wine producers, restaurant owners, tourism and rural tourism entrepreneurs and local administrative offices. Local communities have already understood the strategic importance to sustain their socioeconomic activities with the development of pilgrimage and tourism along the Via Francigena. The rich variety of local gastronomy can satisfy both frugal needs of pilgrims and those of visitors more interested in gourmandizing. Food and gastronomy could be a strong leverage to increase tourist presences out of the beaten tracks.

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Come citare

Corinto, G. L. (2017). Food and Gastronomic Tourism for Developing Rural Areas Around the Via Francigena in Tuscany. Almatourism - Journal of Tourism, Culture and Territorial Development, 8(6), 106–122.