The Touristification of War Landscapes in the Province of Trento
DOI: chiave:
Great war, War landscapes, Tourist gaze, Tourism image, CommunityAbstract
The paper aims to investigate the impact of the so-called touristification of the war landscapes in the Province of Trento (Italy), focusing on the role played by local communities.
Due to the increasing interest by tourists in visiting former battlefields and places that display cultural heritage referring to conflicts and wars, contemporary social sciences consider war tourism as a complex blend between social memory and tourism exploitation of territorial resources.
After a brief summary on the academic debate about the link between Great War heritage and tourism, the essay assesses the main features of war landscapes in Trentino (Italy) and provides some suggestions for further research.
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Grande-GuerraGreat War heritage in Veneto
Project by CNR I luoghi della Grande Guerra
Project Itinerari della grande guerra
In Flanders fields museum
Mémorial de Verdun
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