Exploring Home Exchange in Greece: An alternative choice of vacation


  • Despina Sdrali Harokopio University
  • Maria Goussia-Rizou Harokopio University
  • Panagiota Giannouli Harokopio University
  • Michalis Kokkinis Harokopio University



Riferimenti bibliografici

Andriotis, K. and Agiomirgianakis, G. (2014). Market escape through exchange: Home swap as a form of non-commercial hospitality. Current Issues in Tourism, 17(7), pp. 576-591.

Cheshire, C., Gerbasi, A. and Cook, K. S. (2010). Trust and transitions in modes of exchange.

Social Psychology Quarterly, 73(2), pp. 176-195.

De Groote, P. and Nicasi, F. (1994). Home exchange: An alternative form of tourism and case study of the Belgian market. Tourism Revue, 49(1), pp. 22-26.

Forno, F., Garibaldi, R., Scandella, E. and Polini, I. (2013). My house is yours.

A worldwide study on home exchangers’ profiles and motivations, Conducted by the university of Bergamo on the Homeechange.com community, available at http://homeexux.s3.amazonaws.com/affinities/1/pdf/homeexchange_bergamo_study_2013_EN.pdf

(accessed 25 September 2014).




Come citare

Sdrali, D., Goussia-Rizou, M., Giannouli, P., & Kokkinis, M. (2015). Exploring Home Exchange in Greece: An alternative choice of vacation. Almatourism - Journal of Tourism, Culture and Territorial Development, 6(12), 211–214. https://doi.org/10.6092/issn.2036-5195/5856



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