Assessment of the Tourism Function in Region Development


  • Nataliia Zigern-Korn Saint-Petersburg State University


Parole chiave:

Tourism, Regional Development, Regional Policy, Tourist Potential of the Territory, Typology of Tourist Regions


This article represents methodical approaches to estimation of tourism value and function in Russian regions development and contains some results of the carried-out assessment. The reasons about tourism mission for different types of territory exploitation and level of social and economic development, the idea of methods of tourist development of regions space are the core lines of the assessment framework. Selection of model regions due to their development types formed information basis for assessment. We determined specific Indicators and algorithm of an assessment to each model region. Results of the carried-out assessment allow rethinking the category of tourist and recreational potential of the territory from the standpoint of prospects and principles of a sustainable development. The technique of such impact assessment of tourism on regional development opens opportunity for public authorities to adopt correct strategic decisions according to the principles of Smart Development.

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Come citare

Zigern-Korn, N. (2014). Assessment of the Tourism Function in Region Development. Almatourism - Journal of Tourism, Culture and Territorial Development, 5(9), 90–100.


