Salento Atmosphere and the Role of Movies


  • Giulia Urso University of Salento



Place Image, Real Space vs. Cinematic Space, Film-Induced Tourism, Salento


In this paper we show how cinema, due to the inherent strength of the images it produces, interacts or even interferes with the processes of place image building. The topic under discussion is then absolutely crucial to geography, being it the science of place. The author, starting by explaining the reciprocity (cycling) relation existing between cinema and place, analyzes by means of a qualitative approach the case of Salento and the creation of its “atmosphere” through cinematic images, taking into account those movies that most have contributed to it. Concerning film-induced tourism the author found that, from the supply side, the local tourism system did not still fully adapted itself to the new needs of this segment. However, there is a great potential for its development, since a latent demand seems to exist and the activities of Apulia Film Commission are greatly contributing to it.


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How to Cite

Urso, G. (2015). Salento Atmosphere and the Role of Movies. Almatourism - Journal of Tourism, Culture and Territorial Development, 6(4), 229–240.