The Marche Film Commission: a Tool for Promoting Territorial Development and Regional Tourism
Marche Region, Film Commission, Promoting Territorial Development, Regional TourismAbstract
The level of attractiveness of a tourist destination due to several tangible and intangible elements, which usually have a high degree of interdependence and reciprocity. The film is thus both a communication channel guide is a reference market of the destination. Many areas offer a wide variety of potential movie sets, thanks to the scenic splendor that characterizes different environmental and artistic and monumental heritage, also varied for the different origins of the architectural structures. This paper aims to highlight the role played by the Film Commission, which allow you to have a vision of cinema that goes beyond the original one, as they can think of it not only as a cultural activity, but also as a possible tool for development economic territory, able to promote and enhance the same resources and places of historical, artistic and natural and economic benefits are linked precisely to the revival of tourism and the possible revenues appropriated by the producers of the film/television industry.
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