A Systems Approach to Local Territory as a Driver for Creative Tourism Development on the Amalfi Coast
Tourism, Culture, Creativity, Territorial System, NetworksAbstract
In recent years creativity has become a resource not only in relation to artistic and cultural activities but also in terms of economic growth and development of tourism enterprises and geographical regions. This has determined the diffusion of creative tourism based on principles of sustainability. However, debate on the issue – above all in Italy – is still ongoing as concerns definitions in line with scientific literature. Our research attempts to show that the foundations for the success of this kind of tourism lies in the consolidating of the local economy based on creativity in a systems logic. To this aim a case study on the Amalfi Coast area (Salerno) is presented providing a framework of the characteristics and creative potential in terms of tourism in order to highlight both the dynamics in act and the most significant elements for the construction of a creative ambience. Our study concludes however, that such a model cannot be considered merely a solution for all ills, but on the contrary, can be exploited only by territories that enjoy a creative humus. In other words, strategies put in place should exalt what is rooted in the geographical, social and cultural reality, i.e. as the potential base for the affirming of this new niche of cultural tourism. Otherwise, any initiatives undertaken risk becoming useless and a waste of resources.References
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