I Cammini Culturali e le Nuove Vie di Turismo Religioso. Il Progetto di Promozione Turistica "Strada Delle Abbazie. Fede Arte e Natura nella Grande Milano"
Religious Goods, Routes, Territory, Abbeys, MilanAbstract
The objective of this writing is to contribute to the analysis of religious goods through a project of enhancement and protection of cultural values inherent in a territory. The project "Abbey Road" responds, in fact, the need to disseminate a cultural product through the networking of seven abbeys, belonging to monastic orders secular absolutely different, present in Milan and in the area to the South and to the south-west of the city . It was then made a tourist itinerary that from a party implements the recommendations of the Council of Europe, in the field of cultural routes, and the other connects to the theme of Expo 2015 "Feeding the planet". The project also proposes to pry on intangible components of attractiveness, deriving both from religious meanings and historic-cultural by both elements related to the sphere of the emotionality. In the last few decades, on the other hand, the changes taking place in the tourist sector have given new models of holiday, which prefer a return to nature, the rediscovery of the spirituality, the demassification of consumption, the research of the psycho-physical well, moving toward holidays experiential-type. The project "Abbey Road" prefigures then a program in which tourists can live the size of Theoros and the territory can "tell" their own places.
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