Local System, Networks and International Competitiveness: from Cultural Heritage to Cultural Routes
cultural routes, territorial recomposition, sustainable tourism, local developmentAbstract
The analysis of cultural routes, as a development and environmental improvement instrument, is undoubtedly among the most interesting topics within the specific scientific community and, perfectly in line with the concept of cultural heritage expressed both on a national and international level within such organisations as INCOMOS, UNESCO, Council of Europe and European Commission. Cultural heritage sites are characterised by localised linear and radial-shaped thickenings within an Italian interregional urban network space configuration, whose local relational system or territorial networks can be dealt with by means of management policies aimed at enhance, on the whole, its use through meaningful and shared concepts such as cultural routes. The present contribution purpose is therefore the analysis, through a systemic-geographic approach, of a number of central elements within environmental improvement strategies by means of cultural routes such as: urban scales, dimensional optimum and integration levels with the local system on the whole.
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