Thematic Section Editorial-Controvertial Industries and Tourism: Interdisciplinary Perspectives during Coronavirus Pandemia
Controversial Industries, Trust, Trustworthiness, Honesty, Moral disengagementAbstract
This Editorial has the objective to present the Thematic Section (TS), that derives from selected papers, that were presented during SIDREA International Workshop - May 19th 2020-2-5pm. It is structured in two sections. The first section is introducing the contents of the TS. The second section discusses the multifacted phenomenon of trust in business organizations with special reference to controversial industries including gambling and different trust profiles are (i.e., non-confidence, negative trust, and distrust, and the corresponding social categorizations).
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Copyright (c) 2021 Maria-Gabriella Baldarelli, Emanuela Randon, Laszlo Zsolnai

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