Almatourism - Rivista di contributi e studi di Turismo, Cultura e Sviluppo del Territorio, è una rivista elettronica del Campus di Rimini e del Centro di Studi Avanzati sul Turismo (CAST) dell’Alma Mater Studiorum, Università di Bologna, piattaforma innovativa di studi e ricerca tra cultura e sviluppo territoriale nei diversi campi disciplinari del turismo. La rivista pubblica in lingua inglese.


Direttore responsabile: Fiorella Dallari (Università di Bologna)
Codirettrici: Maria-Gabriella Baldarelli, Patrizia Battilani, Daniela Calanca, Alessia Mariotti (Università di Bologna)

Comitato Scientifico

Commissione di esperti

Coordinatore editoriale: Alberto Forte (Università di Bologna)


Almatourism disclaimer 2022


Dear Authors,
This is to express great gratitude for the patience you have had to date since submitting your work to the Journal Almatourism.

Almatourism has undergone an intense reorganization process and, as result, revision of papers submitted during the last eighteen months has experienced significant delays. In the Italian context in particular, the current pandemic has also hindered the workflow, therefore contributing to slowing down the process further whilst increasing the delay.

We therefore send out our most sincere apologies to those of you who have submitted a paper to Almatourism, but have not yet received a reply from us, including those who have their paper already in the loop and still waiting for a response. Our goal now is to finalize the reviewing process within a reasonable timeframe for those papers that have already entered the double-blind review stage and, at the same time, reach out to those who has not yet heard from us.

As a means to move swiftly on with our editorial commitments, we are not accepting any new submission for 2022.

Yours sincerely
The editorial board

Leggi di più al riguardo di Almatourism disclaimer 2022

Ultimo numero

V. 13 N. 24 (2023)
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