The Tratturo Magno 3.0: How the Experiential Tourism and the Social Media Could Support the Rebirth of the Ancient Street of the Transhumance
Tratturo Magno, Tourism, Transhumance, Soundscape, Food-tourismAbstract
This work deals with the new tourist system that is growing along the track of the Tratturo Magno between L’Aquila and Foggia, its high tech development and its presence on the social media. In the part between L’Aquila and Vasto, thanks to some associations like Tratturi e Cammini, a high tech track has been developed with QR code which every traveller can download a guide by. In this area, the experiential tourism consists, above all, in a project called “Paesaggi Sonori” (Sound Landscapes) and in the ancient tradition of the saffron’s production. In the area between Puglia and Molise, the transhumance is the main character. An important contribution has been given by the Facebook page “Transumanza e altre meraviglie del Molise” which also created a so-called “diary of the transhumance”. The sound of the transhumance and the sound tourism can be an important resource for this territory which also includes some arbëreshë villages like Portocannone and Montecilfone. At the end, it is fundamental to mention the many resources for food tourism, such as the production of the “caciocavallo podolico” and of the “manteca”, connected witht the cows’ transhumance too. In this moment when the transhumance could be added to the UNESCO’s World Heritage list, it is crucial to understand what is needed to create a network of private and public stakeholders and which role can be played by a resource like the Tratturo Magno in these territories.References
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