The Effect of Tourism Risk Dimensions on Foreign Tourists Satisfaction and Loyalty: Mediating Role of Destination Image (Case Study Ardabil City)
Tourism, Tourism Risk, Destination Image, Tourist Satisfaction, Tourist Loyalty, ArdabilAbstract
Generally speaking, tourists avoid traveling to risky tourism destinations and, instead, choose destinations with lower perceived risk. Therefore, the perceived risks of travel to tourism destinations can be considered as one of the most important deterrents to travel to tourism destinations which can affect tourists' behavior. This research intends to examine the impact of tourism risk dimensions on the consequences of the behavior of tourists, namely their satisfaction and loyalty, and analyze the mediating role of destination image in this relationship. Statistical population of the research consists of foreign tourists who have traveled to Ardabil and, owing to the limited number of foreign tourists, 186 subjects have been selected as the sample based on the Morgan table. Standard questionnaire is used to measure all variables and data analysis is performed based on structural equation modeling and LISREL software. The results show that tourism risk indicators including financial, economic, social and cultural, psychological, environmental, health, political and technological risks influence foreign tourists' mental image of tourism destination in Iran. Moreover, the mediating role of destination University of Mohaghegh Ardabilimage was confirmed in the relationship between all aspects of tourism risk and the satisfaction and loyalty of foreign tourists in Iran. The findings of this research can provide policy makers and planners of tourism industry in Iran with appropriate strategies in order to reduce tourism risk and improve destination image, satisfaction and loyalty of foreign tourists.
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