Pathos and the Mundane in the Symbolic Space of 1956 Revolution: the Case of Corvin-passage, Budapest
War, Revolution, Urban tourism, Public space, Heritage management, HungaryAbstract
The Corvin passage is one of the most important symbolic spaces of 1956 revolution in Hungary. The majority of armed conflicts took place in Budapest, where the largest resistance group had to battle against Soviet tanks in the neighbourhood of the Corvin Passage. This study aims to highlight the fact that, even though a general shift has taken place from the pre-1990 policy to ‘forget’ to today’s established remembrance practices, the Corvin Passage still does not have a prominent position as a major historic site. Our research is based on a study of relevant national and international literature, on an analysis of documents relating to tourism site management, on historical sources related to the Corvin Passage, and on a content analysis of guide-books and websites. The authors would tribute to 70 anniversary of treading out of Hungarian revolution and war of independence with this paper.
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National Archive of the Intelligence Agency (ÁBTL)
Iván Kovács = Iván Kovács László és társai vizsgálati dosszié. – Állambiztonsági Szolgálatok Történeti Levéltára (ÁBTL) 3.1.9. V-145626
Kántor = Kántor Éva fedőnevű ügynök beszervezési dosszié. – Állambiztonsági Szolgálatok Történeti Levéltára (ÁBTL) 3.1.1. B-82723
Vámos = Vámos Erzsébet fedőnevű ügynök munkadosszié. – Állambiztonsági Szolgálatok Történeti Levéltára (ÁBTL) 3.1.2. M-29112
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