Backpackers Expectation and Satisfaction towards Budget Hotel: a Case Study in Penang
Backpackers, Budget hotel, Importance-Performance Analysis (IPA), SatisfactionAbstract
Penang has been the popular cultural heritage tourism attractions in Malaysia. Penang has great potential to develop and offers its cultural and heritage products and experiences to local and foreign visitors. Georgetown is one of the most visited sites in Penang. Georgetown is awarded the UNESCO listing for its unique architecture and cultural townscape. The variety of cultures on display within the heritage area, such as Muslim, Chinese, Indian and European, is unique to Georgetown. The city is also known as Malaysia's food capital, home to multicultural distinct cuisines, cheap and delicious open-air hawker centers. Apart from that, Georgetown also offers unique and affordable budget hotels to enrich backpacker’s experiences. The main objective of this study is to evaluate the facilities and services provided by budget hotels in Georgetown. The evaluation was based on backpackers’ opinions on the importance and performance rating of the listed attributes. This study adopted the simple random sample method of data collection. About 30 questionnaires were distributed to the backpackers during weekdays and weekends. The socio-demographic data were evaluated using Frequency Analysis. The data showed the different socio-demographic, socio-economic, and trip characteristics of the backpackers. The demographic and trip characteristics data provided the information of visitor’s motivation and activity during their visit to Penang. The Importance-Performance Analysis (IP Analysis) was used to evaluate the overall budget hotels’ facility and service attributes, and the final result has been translated into Importance-Performance action grid. The action grid showed all the 23 attributes of general and specific facilities, and services provided were plotted on the High Importance and Performance quadrant. Attributes plotted on the action grid showed that all of the attributes were evaluated high on importance and performance suggested that the cultural village management should maintain the status of performance in all attributes area. The Ratio Analysis indicated the ranking of priority which needed special attention from the management of the budget hotels. From the analysis, availability of mini bar, hotel safe box availability, and hotel F&B are value for money were ranked at the highest priority and needed special intention from the management of the budget hotels. Overall, the result of the study was, all of the attributes were evaluated as High Importance and High Performance. The management of the budget hotels in Georgetown has to keep up the good work and maintain the attributes. Hopefully, the findings of this study will be useful for the management of budget hotels to manage and maintain the facilities and services provided to enhance the quality of backpackers’ experiences.
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