How attractive can Cultural Landscapes be for Generation Y?
Cultural landscapes, Generation Y, Cultural tourism, World heritageAbstract
The economic significance of Generation Y has been improving. The members of this segment are the so called Internet aboriginals, those who have high needs regarding technological solutions in their ordinary life and on their trips as well. Further on, they have greater focus on their special interests, the authenticity and the so called edutainment activities during their travels. Creating the best experiences fitting their needs is rather challenging. According to the propositions, cultural sites and landscapes must change their traditional perspectives regarding raising awareness and interpretation so as to catch the Generation Y and open up for technology, mobile applications, location-based services, interactive solutions and exciting interpretation. The main aim of the paper is to give a valid picture of the special needs of Generation Y to support the better understanding of their lifestyle and travel needs. Further on, the newest technological solutions are described in the area of online sales and communication, and interpretation tools could be useful for cultural landscapes. Finally, based on the results of a quantitative survey, recommendations are given for the two Hungarian cultural landscape, Tokaj Wine Region Historic Cultural Landscape and Fertö / Neusiedlersee Cultural Landscape so as to improve their attractiveness for Generation Y, by developing their online and mobile presence and interpretation through the newest technological solutions.
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