Willingness to pay for Ecotourism in Oyan Lake, Nigeria
Ecotourism, Dichotomous choice, Group tourism, Logistic Regression, Viewing-feesAbstract
This study examined tourists’ willingness to pay for relaxation and factors that influence the visitors’ willingness to pay for ecotourism at Oyan Lake, Nigeria. A cross sectional survey with the use of questionnaire was done; the dichotomous choice method based on payment card method was employed to elicit some information. Three hundred and twenty tourists above 16years that visited the Lake between 2013 and 2014 were selected as respondents. The logistic regression result revealed that visit to local communities, amount to be paid within group, tourism-awareness, group tourism, and the amount that individual tourist should pay had significant effects on the tourists’ willingness to pay for tourism. The study indicated that while tourists are willing to support Oyan Lake, the introduction of additional viewing fees within groups would be acceptable; government should improve the marketing of this destination through awareness creation.
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