Film and the Representation of the Poverty. Touristic Mobilities in Developing countries
Slumdog Millionaire, Representing India, Cinema, Development CountriesAbstract
In recent times, film tourism has become one of the fastest-growing niche tourism segments in the world. Many films and audiovisual works analyse various representations of social life including the poverty and degradation of the poorest urban areas of the developing world. Films are seen as being responsible for the increased interest in the favela in Brazil, the townships of South Africa, and the slums in India. The development of the favela into a tourist destination is seen as part of the so-called reality tour phenomenon and of the global circulation of the favela as a trademark. This paper evaluates poverty representations that induced tourism in developing countries. Our selection is drawn primarily from popular films that have been influential in the global north such as City of God (2002) and Slumdog Millionaire (2008).
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