A New Model for the ‘Tourism Renaissance’: the Case Study of the Tuscan Village of San Pellegrino in Alpe
Digital tourism, pilgrimage itineraries, sustainability, touristic renovation, Covid-19 tourismAbstract
In the contemporary age of big data and sharing intelligence, tourism market has constantly changing scenario thanks to the unceasing communication technologies’ revolution. According to this growth perspective, cultural heritage tourism is increasing his offer quality standards, by giving evidence of its social and territorial identity value. In light of this, the research is focused on the study of hospitality places located along the Vie ROMEE maiores (Via Francigena, Via Romea Strata and Via Romea Germanica), the most famous slow tourism product in Italy, that has recently been promoted in such original ways. In particular, the paper describes the touristic system of San Pellegrino in Alpe, a village located on the Tuscan and Emilian Via Francigena route, with the final aim to suggest a touristic renovation model in light of the current Covid-19 changing scenario. Therefore, the research study shows how local stakeholders are able to foster territorial promotion activities, both for residents and for tourists, in order to empower local tourism system and local community awareness. In this context, the new marketing tools for virtual tourism, videomaking and crowdfunding play a strategic role for local tourism development; especially when they are used by stakeholders, such as Film Commissions and small local museums to assure a better quality of life in sustainable tourism destinations.
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