Heritage and Information Communication Technologies. “The Glorious Return”, from Little Mont Moncenisio to Bobbio Pellice: a Tourist-Cultural Route
territory, tourism, heritage, ICTAbstract
The heritage summarizes the cultural, material and immaterial inheritance which refers to a local and community context expressing its characteristics, uniqueness and potential. The cultural route - container of heritage and structural elements of an area - contributes to the construction of the tourist services and the heritage image. It is oriented towards new musts in the tourism planning and therefore it generates emotional experiences, fosters creativity and participation, it provides different models of fruition and several reading and interpretation tools of the heritage.The attention to these issues led us to analyze the itinerary "The glorious return " (part of the wider European itinerary "The ways of the Huguenots and Waldensians") describing the technological applications that have been made such as the creation of a GIS web-site, a multimedia GeoGuide and an application "Augmented Reality for iPhones".References
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